We are happy to announce our "Statement of Intention: Provision of Disability Access To Places of Worship for the Buddhist Community". We thank Di Cousens for helping to put this together and she says:

Being able to get into a temple is a basic expectation of everyone within the Buddhist community. Temples provide Buddhist teachings and are the places for rituals and important life events including ceremonies for the deceased. They act as community centres and they enable connectedness within the Buddhist community. They provide access to teachers and the spaces themselves are thought to retain the blessings of the
events they host (The full statement may be read in the Foreword of the publication)..


May all beings benefit.
Dr Diana Cousens
Former Vice-Chair Buddhist Council of Victoria
Former Committee Member Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils

You may download the Statement (in seven languages) here.

Note: We will be adding a section to this website in accordance with the statement in due course!